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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


John Inglis
NSA Deputy Director
CSPAN 07/17/2013
Inglis and Jackson Part 1: Can I just add, the court is also given permission to not just first hop analysis, meaning what numbers are in contact with that selector, but to then from those numbers, go out two or three hops. In many of the cases that Ms. Douglas referenced earlier, was at the second hop, it was at that second connection that something of interest came that then caused federal Bureau of investigation to apply their resources to essentially uncover or add additional information for terrorist activity. Jackson Lee: once you do the query out of the 300, what is the next steps?
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